September 23, 2019
What Should a Dentist Website Look Like?
A lot of people think that the most important thing a website should be is beautiful. Sure, a website’s aesthetic should be nice, but website design is about so much more than good looks. It needs to be functional, purposeful, useful, user friendly, and nice to look at.
Your website has to do a lot, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to design a website that meets your dental practice’s needs.
Website design is complex and challenging, but the most important goal at the end of the day is for your website to convert. You want people who land on your website to turn into dental patients.
The Elements of Good Dentist Website Design
We’ve put together a list of the most important elements to include in your dentist website, so you can convert visitors and grow your business.
Before you even begin picking a color palate, design theme, or photography, you need to figure out how the website should function logically. Yours is a dental website, which means there are a few main functions: to tell your visitors about your practice, your services, and how they can reach you.
You won’t need a “shop” button on your site, and you won’t need a lot of visual images of root canals. It’s important to pick a website theme that works with your site’s purpose in a logical way.
You need to make sure you are answering the questions your visitors need answered. With a dental website, you want to focus on answering their top questions.
What services do you offer? How much will those services cost? What type of insurance do you take? How can they reach you?
Make sure you don’t go overboard with giving too much information so that they become overwhelmed. Make sure your content is well written.
Easy Navigation
It’s easy to want your site to be fancy, but it’s more important for it to be easy to understand. There’s a reason that Google has stuck with a very basic setup of a white screen with a few buttons. Too much design is distracting, confusing, and could actually destroy your website’s usability.
Visual Appeal
This one is top on everyone’s list, and it is important. A beautiful site does make people feel good, and it does say something about your business. It says that you care about the details, and that translates to: You care about people’s teeth. Just keep it simple and be consistent.
Reach Out to a Website Design Team
There are obviously many other important elements to designing a dentist website. Website design is seriously important, but it can also be seriously difficult to pull off if you don’t know what you’re doing. Many companies hire professional web designers so that their businesses will look superior.
If you’re looking for a company that can design your website and make it beautiful and functional, look no further. ApricotDental has an experienced team of web designers who are ready to make your dentist website dreams come true. Call 877-491-6981 or visit our website for a free website analysis.